
Stuart: a life backwards

This is a biography. Yes of Stuart. It really isn't like most bio's though.
Certainly not like JFK's or Clinton's or pick one, any one.
Stuart is an alcoholic, drug abuser, he is a 'chaotic' homeless man. I almost forgot to add he has done prison time for his violent episodes. I know it sounds like others out there but it really isn't.
Stuart can pinpoint when his life changed. Thanks to his older brother and their babysitter. Luckily this story does not go into very graphic detail. Just a few facts, almost like what you would here on a radio news broadcast. It doesn't make you want to hurl.
This book is arranged going chronologically backwards, as the title suggests. Interwoven among the descriptions of his younger life are pieces of his life as he was helping Mr Masters write this book.
Stuart: a life backwards does have it funny moments, however, it also has some terrible moments. He has 2 favorite cuss words which I won't mention here. This is a family blog after all.
It is interesting how he describes his life and how much he "doesn't know, Alexander". How he struggles with trying to figure out why some people can experience horrible things and can have a happy productive life and others, like him can't.
All in all I found Stuart a likeable chap.


A few thoughts

I haven't read anything worth blogging about lately. A couple of mysteries that have left much to be desired. One was from an author I had not read before and will not read again. The story was over for me about a quarter of the way through. But I finished it anyway because that is what I tend to do. The other was from an author I had read before. I expected better. I just didn't find the characters believable. Although I did enjoy the political correctness/incorrectness that was a constant in the story line.

And last but not least. I decided to include a trivia question. Actually a pretty easy one :)

What is the name of Dudley Dooright's horse?
