
Shakespeare Farce?

Charles and Mary Lamb (bother and sister) were very real and rather interesting people. They wrote "Shakespeare for Children" in 1807 ish.

The Lambs of London is about the Lambs as young adults still living at home and the people who they are acquainted with. Charles and Mary are both interested in Shakespeare. A young man becomes involved in their lives who has discovered new Shakespeare papers. Are they authentic or are they not? That is the question.
This is a short, quick, fun read. Enjoy it and then go to :


to learn more than you every wanted to know about Charles and Mary.


Unknown said...

Oooooh! That sounds very interesting. If only I didn't already have (literally) over 100 books in various nooks and crannies around my house...already purchased and waiting to be read. Maybe I need to bend my reading-priority rules a little.

I wrote my senior research paper on Shakespeare (whether he really wrote what we think he wrote), and I spent the summer between 6th and 7th grades reading the plays. (Yeah, I was cool.)

dodyb said...

I know how you feel Gina. I have books that have been waiting to be read for years! Just when I am going to start reading one, I get one from the Library. I dare you to read this one out of turn.